Monday 2 May 2011

Tone of voice -

So today I had a long hard think of what it is I wanted to do.
What direction I wanted to go in, what tone of voice I wanted to use.
I'm sticking with the whole "Don't mess it up" concept but I don't wish to scare the new
students. Initially I wanted to go with -
DON'T FUCK IT UP and base my whole brief on this tagline.
I thought this would be a honest approach and would give the future students a kick.
But then, when I put myself in those shoes again I realised how scary it sounded.
It's almost like I'm telling them off before they even started.

So new tone of voice - 
In most briefings (if not all) Fred ends his presentations with "Have fun" or "Enjoy / enjoy yourself"

That's my favourite thing about the course. Just how much fun you have. Even when you're stressed you're secretly enjoying it.

"Being on the course is like jumping into a swimming pool fully clothed. We will show you how to swim but more importantly you will learn how to enjoy drowning"

As fred puts it.
So I'm replacing "DON'T FUCK IT UP" with a more gentle yet simple - 
"Have Fun"

I want to encourage the students to have fun in the course and show them how fun graphic design really is.

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