Thursday 28 April 2011

Speaking from experience


In today's workshop we gathered the research we had complied over the last few days.
We then got into pairs and discussed and compared the problems we faced when starting
the course.

We then had to apply the infamous scotch egg method to our problems.


PROBLEM - Not knowing anyone / feeing alone -  
CONCEPT - Make people feel more welcome in Leeds - 
IDEAS - A welcome pack / a "getting to know each other" event.

PROBLEM - Not knowing Leeds very well - 
CONCEPT - Help people to get more familiar with Leeds 
IDEAS - A tour guide/map/brochure

PROBLEM - Fear of failing - 
CONCEPT - Help people manage the workload - hours.
IDEA - Video of current students stressing the importance of staying motivated or the
mistakes they made in their first year.

PROBLEM - Not knowing how to cook/clean.
CONCEPT - Teach students how to cook.
IDEA - A simple recipe book with video instructions.

PROBLEM - Not being able to manage your money - 
CONCEPT - Encourage people to save money/ spend money more wisely
IDEA -  

I then narrowed it down to 2 problems.
The two which i think had the most potential.
I wrote these problems as questions,

These two were - 

How do I get to know Leeds?
How do I stay motivated? (How do I not mess things up?)

I feel the 2nd problem is my favourite one and best suited to me.
(The brief is obviously) named Speaking From Experience and 
I'm currently repeating first year due to personal goings on back 
home and financial trouble. So I've had that experience of messing
things up.

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