Tuesday 22 March 2011

Illustrator vectors

I've transferred my drawings into illustrator and traced around them, staying true to the simple lines.
Original macintosh (1984)

Most recent Imac.

Side by side the first thing that strikes me is how much the shape has changed throughout the years. The first macintosh is basically a box and has very few curves to it's exterior, whereas the most recent imac is very curved in comparison.


Influenced by Craig Martin's work I overlapped the old mac with the newest mac.

My initial thoughts were positive but i realised you can't see the difference in each machine as the colour of the strokes are the same. It looks abit of a mess. I need to do something to show the difference/change in both machines.

Here I have shrunken the size of the old mac because it's now "insignificant" to the present machine.

I felt reducing the size of the original macintosh in comparison to the newer machine was abit unfair, when the original macintosh was released it was a massive event. It was new and exciting. It was , in it's time, as important as the newest iMac is today.
I've resolved this problem by changing the machines back into their original sizes but to show difference and change I have reduced the opacity of the macintosh. This was so the idea came through clearer.

EDIT - looking back on this design I realise how I'm just making the imac look more important again.
I need to think of a simple solution.

(A few minutes later)
Referring back to michael craig-martin's work I notice he uses different colours in each object. I'm not sure wether his colour choice is significant, but it's a great way of showing the different features of each object.

What better colours to use than apple's very own rainbow colours used for an early logo.

Green = C 62   M 1   Y 81   K 0

Blue =   C 90   M 10   Y 0   K 0

Using the first colour of the logo to represent the macintosh and the last colour of the logo representing the latest mac. It works much better than the previous designs as there is no hierarchy or favourite.

More Mac vectors  - 

Macintosh II

Imac g3 (the first imac)

Imac g4

Imac G5

Most recent Imac.

Final result -
I've decided to apply each colour segment of the apple logo to all the macs I've vectored.

Here are all the macs in their respective colours overlapping one another. Personally I think it looks like a colourful mess. I need to tidy it up a little and make sure the idea is clear.

All the outlines against a black background. This was to make the individual machines and their colours stand out more, but once again it's become an unmanageable mess.

Here i've decieded to hide the other macs and concentrate on just the first macintosh and the most recent macintosh. Although i wanted to show a progression and the evolution of macs I think it's worth trying this approach first. I've still kept the blue and green to keep it relevant but it looks like something out of TRON or a poor 80's apple campaign.

This time I've removed the colours just to see what the outcome was. I didnt want to have the same problem I had before ( not telling which mac is which ) So I've spread both the machines apart.

Reverting back to colour and binning the black background.

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