Sunday 20 March 2011

What is a line // first drawings// Primary research drawings.

Latest Imac

It's been a few years since my last serious drawing. I used to be quite confident with a pencil but now It's grown apparent that I've lost my drawing skills. This is my usual style of drawing. A very sketchy approach with many rough lines. It's my most relaxed method. However, my subject, the iMac is a very sleek and elegant computer so I don't think this style of drawing would be appropriate. 

Tracing the inital sketch but this time using simple lines to show the imac in it's simplest form. Apple have a gift of making things so simple but beautiful so I think it's right to use simple single lines.

Front view.

I've used only straight lines for this one. I thought this could be a literal take on "What is a line?" 

This is a contrast to what I previously said but i thought it'd be interesting to take a childish approach to drawing out such a well crafted machine.

A drawing of the inside of an iMac g5. i felt like i got to know/understand the machine so much more whilst drawing it's "organs" it's inner workings. There were ALOT of things I couldn't include because they were so small but i drew what i could see with my own eye.


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