Saturday 23 April 2011

Ditching the acetate.

I've decieded to ditch the acetate.
It was a tough decisioun seeing how i had put so mch time into them but I jusrt didnt think the aceteate worked. I may have given myself a much bigger task then previously thought. I had intended to use big sheets of acetate but could only work with a3 sheets (because of finance and time) I also had to think of space. I wanted these things photographed in a big room (studio 3) but 1) it was already in use when I wanted to photograph the sheets but also I could only hang the sheets up using string. This made things a bit flimsy and there were times where the sheets would curl up at the bottom and reflected the light, making it harder to photograph..

So I've gone back to the overlaying vectors but only on one layer but strictly in black and white. The colours that i had previously worked with made everything look too busy and complicated.

Adding type.

I wanted everything on this poster to be nice and simple so I stripped it of any uncessary things. A traditional serif typeface is replaced by a nice, simple sans serif one. I also used the current apple logo, just to keep things simple.

  1. Simple layout
  2. simple type
  3. and simple message.

Increasing the type to emphasise the message.
Also playing around with the layout.

Using the old rainbow logo in the colour just to add a touch of colour.

Changing the positioning of the logo.

Placing the rainbow logo in the center of the mac vectors. Also making AGAIN larger and bolder to emphasise the message.

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