Tuesday 8 February 2011

Front cover. (Digital)

My front cover type design in illustrator.

Just starting off with a basic layout. Typeface is Gill sans bold.

Highlighted the word "NOT" red. This was to stress the word but red is a colour of warning and anger. i don't want to shout the message and put the viewer in an uncomfortable position, I just want it to be direct and simple. I thought it would work but I think I prefer the whole of the command to be in black. I also think the 3 words are too close together. 

In this design I had italicised the "NOT",  again to strengthen the word. I think this works much better than the red. It doesn't seem so intimidating to the reader. It doesn't seem so forceful and "angry". I have also changed the layout of the type so both "DO NOT" sit on the word shave. No real reason for this. i was just experimenting with positioning of the type.

The word "SHAVE" has been, "shaved" if you will. I wanted it to be relevant to the subject but also I wanted to cut up the idea of shaving. I've positioned the command in the center. The eyes are instantly drawn in.

When a command is being given, sometimes people would pause after each word. This enforces the command. So i've increased the tracking of the words to enforce the message.

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