Wednesday 28 September 2011


1 What makes it good?
Beer has changed the course of human history not once not twice but over and over again right from the very beginning. It helped save many lives during the Middle Ages and established modern health care? Water was extremely dangerous to drink back then, as it carried many deadly germs. So, everyone drank beer instead. Boiling the water and barley together killed the germs and bacteria, making beer safer to drink than the water.

2 Who would find it good?
Beer enthusiasts. Because they enjoy beer and take the taste for granted and would love to know about the history of beer.

3 Who wouldn't find it good?
Anti-alcohol campaigners.
Abuse and over consumption of beer can lead to numerous consequences.
It can damage your health and it can tear families apart. There are bound to be people out there who would assume that I was promoting and glamourising alcohol where as all I'm doing is educating people about the stuff.

4 If your good was a celebrity who would it be?
Stephen Fry. Not only has Stephen been voted "The best person to have a pint with" he seems to know everything. He is all knowing and very wise. He also has a good head on him - pun, very much intended.

5 If your good was a place where would it be?
It would be the National brewery museum. Not only does it educate people on the history of beer they also reinact the old brewing process and how they have changed throughout the years.

6 If your good was an even what would it be?
OKTOBERFEST. Oktober fest is the world's longest beer fare and celebrates beer culture and the appreciation for beer.

7 If your good was a product what would it be?
A clock/watch as it's something that started everything. Nearly everything we know and love today is shaped around beer. Just like everything is shaped around time.

8 What is your good better than and why?
Water. A glass of beer is far better at rehydrating the body after exercise than water. Researchers suspect that the sugars, salts and bubbles in a pint may help people absorb fluids more quickly.

9. If your good was a profession what would it be?.
It would be a librarian. Simple because one man/woman has all that access to years of knowledge just like one pint of beer holds years and years of history.

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