Wednesday 9 March 2011

We are changing from "Tell a lie convincingly" to Get people to try something new.
Time to get brainstorming. We all decided to go our separate ways to have a 
think and then we can bring all our ideas together on Thursday.

So heres my thought in all this.
Theres a few ways this task could be dealt with.
We could either get people to try something new - i.e. Try skydiving.
or we could promote a new product - A new chocolate bar or a new drink
I'm leaning more towards the new product idea myself. 
Mainly because it's open to alot of things. 
Branding, website,packaging, advertising  etc.
Where as something like skydiving I could only see as a 
campaign promoting skydiving as a whole thing. It's a bit vague for my liking 
(Obviously I need to discuss this with the group)
But I really like the potential of a new product.

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