Thursday 14 February 2013


Identify 5 companies/studios which you consider potentially synergetic to you personally. Write a short explanatory paragraph and reasons for each.

1 - Hey studio

They just seem to have tons of fun within their work and it shows. I love their use of bright, striking colours and admire them for not trying to fit trends but still managing to produce beautiful, efective Design.

2. Spin

Again, another studio who uses striking colours. I've always been a huge fan of Spin's work and that was only emphasised when I saw the work they did for the Wim Crouwel exhibition.

3: Qubik

One of my favourite studios happens to be where I'm currently based. I was lucky enough to have a placement with Joe, and it was amazing to see all this amazing work coming from one guy in his attic.
He also produces work for the cultural sector, something I wish to go in when I finish.

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