Tuesday 1 November 2011

Logo development ctd.

Seeing how I'm keeping the name HOB I need to develop the logo further.

Inspired by a diagram of a globe. The inner circles add dimension and depth to 
the logo as well as suggesting that beer is loved globally. It would also make the logo, less bare.

I then added my previously designed logo, which was placed within a white hexagon. This was so the logo could be seen clearly. When designing a logo, it's always good to think what you would apply to logo to (envelopes, letter heads, etc) Having a circle around my logo allows my logo more versatile as a circle sits well on almost anything.

Experimenting with different shapes. In this case, a shield. This represents the strength and the history behind beer.

Whilst experimenting with the shapes within the circles, I realised the circles were not needed. It begun to look like a GLOBAL COMPANY logo. I went back to my initial shape.

Trying out colour. I've also enlarged the barley to make them clearer and easily recognisable when made smaller. 

This is looking more like a resolved logo. The more I look at the shape and colour of the logo, the more I realize the striking resemblance between my logo and a Stop sign. 

Going back to black and experimenting with different shapes. I also submitted the Hexagon and Circle logo to the "Reppin' Board." on Facebook for people to help me decide which one worked best. They opted for the circle as the angles of the barley clashed with the sides of the hexagon. I then tried it with a square which worked really well. The angle of the barley works with the corners of the square the only downside is that a square is quite a dull shape to work with. I think whatever the logo is being applied to is what should determine the shape.  For example - On a coaster the logo would be circle but on a letter head it could be square etc.

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