Tuesday 1 March 2011

My designs in illustrator.
So I transfered my idea over to illustrator and here are the results.

So I started out with the simple idea of having SAN in a san serif font beside the word "SERIF"
in a Serif font. It's only a starting point, but I want more of a physical split e.g. A line between the two

In this design, I felt like the line really doing anything. It just seemed to be floating in between the two types. On the right track though.

Alot better, This time I transferred the type into photoshop so I could chop away some of the anatomy of the type. This time the line seems to physically cut between the two styles of font, but the line seems to be floating still.

Adding colour. I chose blue and orange (I hope they are blue and orange, After colour theory I cannot trust colours, especially being colourblind) These two colours are on opposite ends of the colour wheel.


  1. great idea blending the san and serif, very strong.

  2. Sophie you are far too kind. Only obvious, but initial designs at the moment but thank you all the same. Ps. LOVE your books. Great work.
